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terrarium moss search results

Your exotic pet search for "terrarium moss" has 349 results. If you can't find what you are looking for please contact us.

Zoo Med Terrarium Moss
Zoo Med Terrarium MossDried mossPrices from£6.95
Terrarium Moss completely natural (no dyes or chemicals!) sphagnum moss cage substrate for amphibians and wetland environment reptiles.
Zoo Med All Natural Frog Moss
Zoo Med All Natural Frog MossDried mossPrices from£9.50
Completely natural frog moss for use with frogs, toads, salamanders, garter or green snakes and all other moss environment species.
Exo Terra Forest Moss
Exo Terra Forest MossDried mossPrices from£8.50
Exo Terra Forest Moss is real compressed moss grown in tropical Asia. This ecological substrate is ideal for increasing humidity in the terrarium and is totally safe for frogs, salamanders and burrowing or digging animals.
Exotic Pets Live Terrarium Moss
Exotic Pets Live Terrarium MossNatural terrarium decorPrices from£3.50
Perfect for use in bio-active and naturalistic terrariums for decoration, ground cover, and to help raise habitat humidity levels for moisture loving reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. Can also be used in a damp box for egg laying or shedding.
Exo Terra Moss Vine
Exo Terra Moss VineFlexible vinePrices from£10.20
Vines are ideal when used in arboreal habitats and in conjunction with artificial plants. They can be bent into shape and twisted together to create a multi-dimensional habitat.
Exotic Pets Reindeer Moss
Exotic Pets Reindeer MossNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£4.50
Perfect for use in bio-active and naturalistic terrariums for decoration, ground cover, and to help raise habitat humidity levels for moisture loving reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. Can also be used in a damp box for egg laying or shedding.
Exotic Pets Dried Lichen
Exotic Pets Dried LichenNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£4.50
Perfect for use in bio-active and naturalistic terrariums for decoration and ground cover.
Exo Terra Snake Cave
Exo Terra Snake CaveSnake hidesPrices from£21.15
Your pet snake can now have it's own little snake cave, complete with moss to help with shedding of the skin.
Exotic Pets Natural Birch Twigs
Exotic Pets Natural Birch TwigsNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.99
Perfect for filling out open space in your terrarium or as background foliage. They can also be used for smaller geckos, frogs and invertebrates to climb on.
Exotic Pets Flame Tree Pods
Exotic Pets Flame Tree PodsNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£4.99
Ideal for utilising vertical space in your terrarium, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
Exotic Pets Mintolla Balls
Exotic Pets Mintolla BallsNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.99
Highly textured natural terrarium decoration, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
Exotic Pets Palm Club
Exotic Pets Palm ClubNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.99
Ideal for utilising vertical space in your terrarium, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
Exotic Pets Palm Ring
Exotic Pets Palm RingNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.99
Highly decorative natural terrarium decoration, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
Exotic Pets Bolsa de Pastor Pods
Exotic Pets Bolsa de Pastor PodsNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.99
Highly textured natural terrarium decoration to climb on and bask, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
Exotic Pets Chapeuzinho Pods
Exotic Pets Chapeuzinho PodsNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.99
Ideal for use as a decorative piece in your terrarium or as a temporary source of water, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
Exotic Pets Buddha Nuts
Exotic Pets Buddha NutsNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.50
Best used as a natural hide or as a piece of terrarium decoration to climb on and bask, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
Exotic Pets Savu Pod
Exotic Pets Savu PodNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.99
Tubular natural terrarium decoration, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
Exotic Pets Coco Boat
Exotic Pets Coco BoatNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.99
Ideal for use as a large decorative piece in your terrarium or as a temporary source of water, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
Exotic Pets Canoinhas Pods
Exotic Pets Canoinhas PodsNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.99
Ideal for use as a decorative piece in your terrarium or as a temporary source of water, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
ProRep Mini Terrarium
ProRep Mini TerrariumEasy to assemblePrices from£32.79
Quality mini glass terrarium that have a sliding mesh top. Perfect for invertebrates and for housing some juvenile amphibians and hatchling reptiles.
Exotic Pets Wild Lily Flower
Exotic Pets Wild Lily FlowerNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.99
Highly decorative natural terrarium decoration, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
Exotic Pets Lotus Seed Head
Exotic Pets Lotus Seed HeadNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.99
Highly textured natural terrarium decoration, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
Exo Terra Gecko Cave
Exo Terra Gecko CaveTerrestrial gecko cavePrices from£16.60
The Exo Terra Gecko Cave provides a secure hide and can be used as a humid area for terrestrial geckos by adding damp moss.
Exotic Pets Ourico Pod
Exotic Pets Ourico PodNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.50
Highly textured natural terrarium decoration, or as a temporary source of water, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
HabiStat Leopard Gecko Starter Kit
HabiStat Leopard Gecko Starter KitIdeal for young geckosPrices from£215.50
Contains everything you need to house a leopard gecko. This kit is designed to help you create an ideal environment to keep a leopard gecko or similar small terrestrial species.
ProRep Flatpack Terrarium Wheels
ProRep Flatpack Terrarium WheelsFor flatpack terrariumsPrices from£19.19
Strong and durable wheels to make your flatpack terrarium stack mobile, this is especially useful during routine maintenance.
Exotic Pets Pine Cone
Exotic Pets Pine ConeNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.99
Highly decorative natural terrarium decoration, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
Exo Terra Terrarium Cabinet
Exo Terra Terrarium CabinetNatural terrarium standsPrices from£138.99
The Exo Terra Terrarium Cabinets are the perfect complement to show off your glass terrarium beautifully.
Zoo Med Waterfall Kit
Zoo Med Waterfall KitKit to make your own waterfallPrices from£39.95
Ever wanted to make your own waterfall in your terrarium, well now you can with the Zoo Med Waterfall Kit.
Zoo Med Cork Tile Background
Zoo Med Cork Tile BackgroundTerrarium backgroundPrices from£15.95
Ideal for placing into terrariums or vivariums. Use several panels for large enclosures. Four sizes available.
ProRep Flatpack Terrarium Stacker
ProRep Flatpack Terrarium StackerFor flatpack terrariumsPrices from£54.39
Allows for vertical stacking of the ProRep Flatpack Terrarium range.
Exotic Pets Cacao Pods
Exotic Pets Cacao PodsNatural decor for your terrariumPrices from£3.99
Improve your animals enrichment with a large decorative centrepiece. Perfect for climbing over, sitting on and basking, suitable for a wide variety of reptiles, invertebrates, fish and amphibians; from arid to tropical.
Exo Terra Glass Terrarium
Exo Terra Glass TerrariumGlass reptile housingPrices from£47.99
The Exo Terra Glass Terrarium is the ideal reptile or amphibian housing designed by European herpetologists.
Exotic Pets Moneta Leaf Litter
Exotic Pets Moneta Leaf LitterNatural terrarium decorPrices from£4.50
Perfect for use in bio-active and naturalistic terrariums. Ideal for decoration, ground cover, and food for millipedes and other custodians.
Bronze Skink
Bronze SkinkEutropis maculariaPrices from£32.50
The Bronze Skink is a small species native to South and Southeast Asia. Males are easy to distinguish due to the orange colour on their throat and sides. Average size is 16cm snout to tip of the tail.
ProRep Flatpack Terrarium
ProRep Flatpack TerrariumEasy to assemblePrices from£85.59
Quality glass terrarium that boasts distinctive features setting it apart from other terrariums on the market. Supplied flatpacked and easy to assemble.
Amazon Milk Frog
Amazon Milk FrogPhrynohyas resinifictrixPrices from£49.95
The Amazon Milk Frog is a strikingly coloured tree frog, reaching a size of 2 to 4 inches. They are native to humid rainforests of South America.
ProRep Bio Life Desert
ProRep Bio Life DesertBio active substratePrices from£13.95
Bio active substrates are designed to allow the maintenance of living ecosystems inside the terrarium.
Exo Terra Light Bracket
Exo Terra Light BracketLight dome support fixturePrices from£17.65
The Exo Terra Light Bracket is the perfect solution to using the Exo Terra Light Domes effectively. The fixture effectively suspends the Light Dome above the Terrarium increasing ventilation and improving bulb life.
ProRep Bio Life Forest
ProRep Bio Life ForestBio active substratePrices from£12.95
The Bio Life Forest substrate has been designed to allow the maintenance of living ecosystems inside the terrarium and allow plant growth.
Chubby Frog
Chubby FrogKaloula pulchraPrices from£28.95
The Asian Painted Bullfrog are also known as Chubby Frog within the pet trade. These are an hardy medium sized species that are ideal for beginners.
Zoo Med ReptiTemp Digital Infrared Thermometer
Zoo Med ReptiTemp Digital Infrared ThermometerFor measuring temperaturePrices from£39.50
Take instant temperatures with the click of a button. Easily monitor basking sites and thermal gradients within your terrarium or vivarium with the Zoo Med ReptiTemp Digital Infrared Thermometer.
Exotic Pets - Arboreal Spiderling Kit
Exotic Pets - Arboreal Spiderling KitFor spiderlings and jumping spidersPrices from£4.99
This kit contains everything you need to care for young arboreal tarantulas, jumping spiders and other true spiders.
Komodo Rock Den
Komodo Rock DenReptile hidePrices from£5.49
Available in a grey, brown or sandstone colour, the Komodo Rock Den helps provide a secure retreat for reptile and amphibians.
Exo Terra Reptile Hiding Cave
Exo Terra Reptile Hiding CaveSecure hiding placePrices from£5.15
Natural looking, the Exo Terra Reptile Hiding Caves make a perfect hiding place for most species of Exotic Pets.
Exo Terra Aztec Frog Water Dish
Exo Terra Aztec Frog Water DishFor drinking and bathingPrices from£7.10
These water dishes are perfect for creating an ancient Mesoamerican Aztec theme in your terrarium and keeping your herps hydrated with a supply of fresh, clean water. The dish is specifically designed to avoid spillages.
HabiStat Hatchling Snake Starter Kit
HabiStat Hatchling Snake Starter KitIdeal for young snakesPrices from£165.00
Contains everything you need to house and maintain a hatchling snake. Suitable for a variety of different snake species, including Corn Snakes and young Royal Pythons.
Exo Terra T-Rex Skull
Exo Terra T-Rex SkullFossil hide outPrices from£19.95
The Exo Terra T-Rex Skull is extremely realistic and adds a prehistoric accent to any type of terrarium; desert, rainforest or aquatic.
American Green Tree Frog
American Green Tree FrogHyla cinereaPrices from£32.50
American Green Tree Frogs are typically green in colour with a lateral cream stripe that runs down their body. These are ideal for beginners as long as plenty of plants are placed throughout the terrarium.
Exo Terra Combination Padlock for Glass Terrarium
Exo Terra Combination Padlock for Glass TerrariumSecurityPrices from£6.85
For use with the Exo Terra Glass Terrariums. These combination padlocks give you peace of mind by securing your tank. Especially useful in households that have young children.
Exo Terra Worm Dish Mealworm Feeder
Exo Terra Worm Dish Mealworm FeederFor feeding mealwormsPrices from£10.85
Mealworms need to be contained or they will escape and burrow under substrates. Providing your reptile with an escape proof mealworm dish will allow them to remain visible to the terrarium inhabitants for longer.
Exotic Pets Essentials Crested Gecko Kit
Exotic Pets Essentials Crested Gecko KitQuality guaranteedPrices from£349.99
Ideal for Crested Gecko enthusiasts looking to keep their first reptile, and for experienced keepers wanting a new pet. Can also be altered to suit tree frogs and other arboreal geckos.
Zoo Med ReptiVine
Zoo Med ReptiVineFlexible vinePrices from£12.95
Life-like foliage to enhance your Terrarium or Paludarium. Looks fantastic when combined with many hanging and ground plants.
Exo Terra Turtle Grass
Exo Terra Turtle GrassGround plantsPrices from£8.60
If you're looking to create a natural look but don't want the maintenance of live plants.
Exo Terra Forest Branch
Exo Terra Forest BranchNatural branchPrices from£5.59
These branches are perfect for smaller vivaria and glass terrariums adding essential enrichment and providing mental stimulation.
Exo Terra Reptile UVB 150 Tube
Exo Terra Reptile UVB 150 TubeDesert terrarium T8 bulbPrices from£13.79
Perfect for all desert dwelling reptiles requiring a higher UVB output. These bulbs replace the Exo Terra Repti-Glow 10.0.
Exo Terra Aztec Water Dish
Exo Terra Aztec Water DishFor drinking and bathingPrices from£4.60
The Aztec water dishes are fantastic for creating themed enclosures, and are ideal for keeping your herps hydrated with a supply of fresh, clean water. The dish is specifically designed to avoid spillages.
Cranwell's Horned Frog
Cranwell's Horned FrogCeratophrys cranwelliPrices from£24.95
Also, known commonly as Pacman, Argentinian and Chacoan horned frogs. These voracious feeders will attempt to swallow anything that moves close to their mouth.
Zoo Med Flexible Hanging Vine
Zoo Med Flexible Hanging VineFlexible vinePrices from£11.95
Create a naturalistic and authentic rainforest look with flexible hanging vines. Perfect for combining with decor, plants, and other vines.
Exo Terra Reptile UVB 100 Tube
Exo Terra Reptile UVB 100 TubeTropical terrarium T8 bulbPrices from£11.89
Ideal for subtropical and tropical reptiles requiring moderate levels of UVB and UVA. These bulbs replace the Exo Terra Repti-Glow 5.0.
Exotic Pets Oak Leaf Litter
Exotic Pets Oak Leaf LitterNatural terrarium decorPrices from£3.50
Oak Leaf litter is perfect for use in bio-active and naturalistic terrariums. Use for decoration, ground cover, and feeding invertebrates.
Exo Terra Metal Poop Scoop
Exo Terra Metal Poop ScoopFor spot cleaningPrices from£10.95
An indispensable tool for spot cleaning terrarium sand substrates in your terrarium. This durable metal scoop with comfort grip is perfectly sized and angled to reach into terrarium corners and has a finer mesh to catch more debris.
Mexican Black Kingsnake
Mexican Black KingsnakeLampropeltis getula nigritusPrices from£150.00
Mexican Black Kingsnake are just that, all Black. They make an ideal beginner snake, however, do need regular handling when young.
Exo Terra Buffalo Skull
Exo Terra Buffalo SkullSecure hiding placePrices from£19.95
The Exo Terra Buffalo Skull would look nice in a Savannah or Desert enclosure.
Exotic Pets Beech Leaf Litter
Exotic Pets Beech Leaf LitterNatural terrarium decorPrices from£3.50
Beech Leaf litter is perfect for use in bio-active and naturalistic terrariums. Use for decoration, ground cover, and feeding invertebrates.
Exo Terra Primate Skull
Exo Terra Primate SkullSecure hiding placePrices from£7.65
Add a realistic look to your reptiles enclosure with a Exo Terra Primate Skull.
Exo Terra Water Dish
Exo Terra Water DishDrinking and bathing areas for Exotic PetsPrices from£4.85
With a natural rock appearance, this water dish looks nice in any type of enclosure and are available in four sizes.
Gargoyle Gecko
Gargoyle GeckoRhacodactylus auriculatusPrices from£129.00
Gargoyle Geckos are found in the tropical forests of New Caledonia. They make an ideal beginner gecko and reach a length of around eight inches.
Exo Terra Crocodile Skull
Exo Terra Crocodile SkullSecure hiding placePrices from£14.70
This realistic Crocodile Skull would look great in any rainforest or aquatic set up.
Exo Terra Aquatize
Exo Terra AquatizeWater treatmentPrices from£7.65
The Exo Terra Aquatize is a treatment to remove chlorine in water, ideal to use within your pet amphibians water.
Arcadia Jungle Dawn LED Compact
Arcadia Jungle Dawn LED CompactFor plant growthPrices from£36.99
Arcadia Jungle Dawn LED lamps are ideal for plant growth in bio-active enclosures. They can be mounted in compact tops directly above your terrarium.
Exotic Pets Essentials Leopard Gecko Kit
Exotic Pets Essentials Leopard Gecko KitQuality guaranteedPrices from£349.99
Ideal for Leopard Gecko enthusiasts looking to keep their first reptile, and for experienced keepers wanting a new pet.
Exo Terra Frog Pond Pebble Water Dish
Exo Terra Frog Pond Pebble Water DishFor drinking and bathingPrices from£12.30
Ideal for poison dart frogs, tree frogs and other amphibians. The natural pebble-rock look integrates in any type of terrarium.
Zoo Med Forest Floor Bedding
Zoo Med Forest Floor BeddingNatural substratesPrices from£7.50
Zoo Med Forest Floor is a natural cypress mulch substrate. It provides your terrarium with a natural forest floor look while retaining moisture to provide humidity to the enclosure.
Argentine Rainbow Boa
Argentine Rainbow BoaEpicrates cenchria alvareziPrices from£150.00
The Argentine Rainbow Boa is a slender bodied boa that is semi-arboreal. They have the typical iridescent rainbow shine and they do not lose their patterning as they mature.
Palm Gecko
Palm GeckoGekko vittatusPrices from£79.00
The Palm Gecko, also known as White Lined Gecko or Skunk Gecko is a stunning display species originating from Indonesia, New Guinea, Palau and the Solomon Islands.
Creeping Fig
Creeping FigFicus pumilaPrices from£5.99
Great for rainforest terrariums, adds dense leafy foliage which is perfect for Frogs, Chameleons and arboreal Geckos.
Exo Terra Jungle Vines
Exo Terra Jungle VinesArboreal vinesPrices from£8.95
The Jungle Vines look and feels natural, it is ideal for arboreal reptiles and amphibians.
Exo Terra Turtle Heater
Exo Terra Turtle HeaterAutomatic aquatic heaterPrices from£27.69
The Exo Terra Turtle Heater maintains an ideal water temperature around 25°C or 78°F for aquatic turtles and most other aquatic reptiles and amphibians.
Exotic Pets Bamboo Leaf Litter
Exotic Pets Bamboo Leaf LitterNatural terrarium decorPrices from£3.50
Bamboo leaves are ideal for use in bio-active and naturalistic terrariums. Ideal for decoration, ground cover, and food for millipedes and other custodians.
ProRep Plastic Hide
ProRep Plastic HideSecure hiding placePrices from£3.95
A simple and affordable hideaway. Perfect for reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates.
Exo Terra Collapsible Snake Hook
Exo Terra Collapsible Snake HookSnake handling hookPrices from£11.99
The Exo Terra Snake Hook is designed to make snake-handling easier and safer for both handler and snake.
Zoo Med Digital Thermometer
Zoo Med Digital ThermometerFor measuring temperaturesPrices from£10.50
Digital thermometers offer greater accuracy over traditional dial thermometers and are one of the most important pieces of equipment used in the vivarium.
ProRep Plastic Round Hide
ProRep Plastic Round HideSecure hiding placePrices from£6.95
A simple and affordable hideaway. Perfect for reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates.
Zoo Med Reptisafe
Zoo Med ReptisafeWater conditionerPrices from£4.95
The first instant terrarium water conditioner for reptiles and amphibians.
Red Eyed Tree Frog
Red Eyed Tree FrogAgalychnis callidryasPrices from£71.95
Red Eyed Tree Frogs are one of the most sought after species due to their bright colours and stunning red eyes.
Exo Terra Anthurium Bush
Exo Terra Anthurium BushGround plantsPrices from£11.50
If you're looking to create a natural look but don't want the maintanence of live plants.
Exo Terra Spider Orchid
Exo Terra Spider OrchidGround plantsPrices from£15.95
If you're looking to create a natural look but don't want the maintanence of live plants.
Exo Terra Boston Fern
Exo Terra Boston FernGround plantsPrices from£11.50
If you're looking to create a natural look but don't want the maintanence of live plants.
Exo Terra Barrel Cactus
Exo Terra Barrel CactusDesert plantsPrices from£7.95
If you're looking to create a natural look but don't want the maintanence of live plants.
Exo Terra Star Cactus
Exo Terra Star CactusDesert plantsPrices from£8.10
If you're looking to create a natural look but don't want the maintanence of live plants.
Exo Terra Finger Cactus
Exo Terra Finger CactusDesert plantsPrices from£7.95
If you're looking to create a natural look but don't want the maintanence of live plants.
Leopard Gecko
Leopard GeckoEublepharis maculariusPrices from£56.99
Arguably one of the most popular geckos in the hobby. Due to their ease of maintenance and affordable housing, we believe these geckos to be the best starter lizards for reptile enthusiasts.
Exo Terra Glow Light Clamp Lamp and Reflectors
Exo Terra Glow Light Clamp Lamp and ReflectorsSuitable for all bulbsPrices from£27.95
The inside of the reflector is coated with a reflective luminous coating that continues to glow long after the lamp is turned off.
Parlour Palm
Parlour PalmChamaedorea elegansPrices from£5.99
Great for arboreal terrariums, adds a palm tree effect canopy for taller enclosures. Perfect for Frogs, Chameleons and arboreal Geckos.
Lucky Reptile Ivy Vine
Lucky Reptile Ivy VineHanging plantPrices from£6.95
These 200cm long plastic vines look very natural and are excellent for decorating your tropical terrarium.
Viper Gecko
Viper GeckoHemidactylus imbricatusPrices from£94.99
Small and cute, Viper Geckos make a great Exotic Pet or an addition to any collection. They can only be found in hot, dry habitats within small areas of Pakistan.
Exo Terra Tiki Coconut Hide and Water Dish
Exo Terra Tiki Coconut Hide and Water DishPolynesian themedPrices from£10.85
Some of the fantastic Exo Terra water dish and hides but with a Polynesian twist.
Lucky Reptile Pothos Vine
Lucky Reptile Pothos VineHanging plantPrices from£6.95
These 200cm long plastic vines look very natural and are excellent for decorating your tropical terrarium.
Lucky Reptile Philo Vine
Lucky Reptile Philo VineHanging plantPrices from£6.95
These 200cm long plastic vines look very natural and are excellent for decorating your tropical terrarium.
Exotic Pets Essentials Mantis Starter Kit
Exotic Pets Essentials Mantis Starter KitHousing for young MantidsPrices from£6.50
Contains everything you need to house and maintain young Praying Mantis and other small arboreal invertebrate species such as stick insects and jumping spiders.
Cuban Tree Frog
Cuban Tree FrogOsteopilus septentrionalisPrices from£39.95
Cuban Tree Frogs are the largest tree frog in North America, reaching an adult size of 15cm (6 inches). They adapt very well to captive life and make great beginners Tree Frogs!
Exo Terra Plastic Plant Croton
Exo Terra Plastic Plant CrotonHanging plantsPrices from£5.80
Affordable hanging plants perfect for use with Exo Terra Terrariums. With the addition of the supplied suction cup it makes easy mounting in the enclosure.
Exo Terra Plastic Plant Mandarin
Exo Terra Plastic Plant MandarinHanging plantsPrices from£5.80
Affordable hanging plants perfect for use with Exo Terra Terrariums. With the addition of the supplied suction cup it makes easy mounting in the enclosure.
Exo Terra Plastic Plant Amapallo
Exo Terra Plastic Plant AmapalloHanging plantsPrices from£4.35
Affordable hanging plants perfect for use with Exo Terra Terrariums. With the addition of the supplied suction cup it makes easy mounting in the enclosure.
Exo Terra Silk Plant Ficus
Exo Terra Silk Plant FicusHanging plantsPrices from£6.10
Premium hanging plants perfect for use with Exo Terra Terrariums. With the addition of the supplied suction cup it makes easy mounting in the enclosure.
Exo Terra Silk Plant Abuliton
Exo Terra Silk Plant AbulitonHanging plantsPrices from£6.10
Premium hanging plants perfect for use with Exo Terra Terrariums. With the addition of the supplied suction cup it makes easy mounting in the enclosure.
Exo Terra Silk Plant Ruscus
Exo Terra Silk Plant RuscusHanging plantsPrices from£6.10
Premium hanging plants perfect for use with Exo Terra Terrariums. With the addition of the supplied suction cup it makes easy mounting in the enclosure.
Lucky Reptile Grape Leaf Vine
Lucky Reptile Grape Leaf VineHanging plantPrices from£6.95
These 200cm long plastic vines look very natural and are excellent for decorating your tropical terrarium.
Borneo Eared Tree Frog
Borneo Eared Tree FrogPolypedates otilophusPrices from£67.50
A medium to large sized frog reaching lengths of up to 9.5cm with a triangular shaped head. General dorsal colouration is brown to yellow along with cream to white ventrally. Numerous thin black stripes run down the back from the head.
Lucky Reptile Hydro Fleece
Lucky Reptile Hydro FleeceSubstrate meshPrices from£6.55
The Lucky Reptile Hydro Fleece is an essential product when creating a bio-active enclosure.
Prayer Plant
Prayer PlantMaranta leuconeuraPrices from£9.99
Great for rainforest terrariums, adds a dense leafy canopy which is perfect for Frogs, Chameleons and arboreal Geckos.
Red Blood Python
Red Blood PythonPython curtus brongersmaiPrices from£440.00
The Red Blood Python is a heavy bodied snake that reaches an adult size of 5-6 foot. They are found on the forest floor near marshes of Malaysian Peninsula, Sumatra and Indonesia.
Bulk Lignocel
Bulk LignocelBulk bedding snake and mammalsPrices from£31.99
Lignocel bedding is a direct alternative to aspen and is Non-toxic for you pet. This product contains less dust particles and is ideal for species that nest or burrow in dry environments.
Exo Terra Glass Door Latch
Exo Terra Glass Door LatchReplacement latchPrices from£4.59
This Exo Terra Glass Door Latch replacement kit has all the required parts to replace any damaged latches on the Exo Terra Glass Terrariums.
Exo Terra Waterfall
Exo Terra WaterfallRunning water for your exotic petPrices from£41.95
The new pebble design of the Exo Terra Waterfall brings the natural look of a small, cascading stream into your living room.
Superworm Frass
Superworm FrassBiostimulant and biofertiliserPrices from£4.99
A 100% organic and animal safe biostimulant and biofertiliser perfect for giving your terrarium plants a boost. The slow releasing properties of this product will help produce stronger, healthier plants and more vibrant flowers... it's Frass-tastic!
Crested Gecko
Crested GeckoCorrelophus ciliatusPrices from£79.95
One of the most exciting animals available to reptile enthusiasts. These exotic pets have proved hardy, easy to maintain and a great starting point for someone wanting to keep their first pet reptile.
Exo Terra Corner Water Dish
Exo Terra Corner Water DishFor drinking and bathingPrices from£11.55
A corner water dish with a naturalistic pebble and space saving design. Suitable for many different theme settings and vivarium types. Available in three different sizes to suit any enclosure size.
Bulk Aspen
Bulk AspenBulk bedding for snakes and mammalsPrices from£32.99
Aspen Bedding is a natural, biodegradable and sustainable substrate from shredded wood. The wood particles are produced by shredding and heat treating fast growing aspen trees. Ideal for species that nest or burrow.
Fantasy Horned Frog
Fantasy Horned FrogCeratophrys cranwelli x ornataPrices from£71.99
Argentinian Horned Frog's are one of the largest amphibians, growing to an adult size of 100-150mm and weighing up to 2Kgs. They eat what ever they can fit in their mouth, be an insect, frog, mouse or even small lizards!
Exo Terra Reptile UVB 200 Tube
Exo Terra Reptile UVB 200 TubeHigh output T8 bulbPrices from£14.29
These bulbs are ideal for desert species of reptile with very high UVB requirements, if installed into a taller terrarium, or over the top of a dense screen.
Trixie Grass Hammock
Trixie Grass HammockFor climbing and baskingPrices from£3.29
Perfect for bearded dragons, crested and gargoyle geckos, corn snakes, royal pythons and more. Can be suspended by the loops within your vivarium, terrarium, or rodent enclosure.
Polka Dot Plant
Polka Dot PlantHypoestes phyllostachyaPrices from£4.99
Great for terrariums and edible for herbivores such as Tortoises. Assorted colours.
Reptile Systems New Dawn Flood
Reptile Systems New Dawn FloodFor plant growthPrices from£40.49
Perfect for large bio-active terrariums where the aim is to grow and maintain numbers of live plants.
Exo Terra Daytime Heat Lamp
Exo Terra Daytime Heat LampBasking bulbsPrices from£4.69
Use these bulbs to increase your ambient air temperature in your vivarium and create a natural heat gradient. Six different wattages available. Does not emit UVB.
Pink Bellied Swift
Pink Bellied SwiftSceloporus variabilisPrices from£30.00
The Pink Bellied Swift is a small to medium species growing to an adult size of 100-150mm (4-6 inch). They can be found living in rocky terrains in arid and semi-arid environments in North America, this lizard is found from South Texas to northeaster Mex
Exo Terra Reptile Fountain
Exo Terra Reptile FountainSlow running water for reptilesPrices from£32.50
The Exo Terra Reptile Fountain is a unique water dish that supplies your reptiles and amphibians with a continuous supply of fresh, clean, aerated drinking water.
Reptile Systems New Dawn T5
Reptile Systems New Dawn T5For plant growthPrices from£37.99
Grow and maintain live plants by placing the full spectrum lamp inside or above bio-active terrariums.
Exo Terra Daylight Basking Spot
Exo Terra Daylight Basking SpotBasking bulbsPrices from£4.99
Use these bulbs to create a natural basking area for thermoregulation. Five different wattages available. Does not emit UVB.
Exotic Pets Natural Cork Branch
Exotic Pets Natural Cork BranchFor climbing and baskingPrices from£7.59
Cork is arguably the most versatile decor available as it is ideal for use in all vivariums and terrariums for all reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. From arid to rainforest, terrestrial to arboreal, there is a piece to suit every requirement.
Fire Bellied Toad
Fire Bellied ToadBombina orientalisPrices from£47.95
The Fire Bellied Toad used to be one of the most widely kept species of toad, now they are less common. Being easy to keep and maintain makes them great for beginners and they are always entertaining to watch.
HabiStat Humidifier
HabiStat HumidifierUltrasonic fog generatorPrices from£69.99
Ideal for increasing humidity in a vivarium or terrarium environment.
Sharp Ribbed Newt
Sharp Ribbed NewtPleurodeles waltlPrices from£29.95
Much like Tylototriton species, Sharp Ribbed Newts can protect themselves against predation with their sharp protruding rib ends. They’re also the largest European species of salamander.
Exo Terra Riverbed Sand
Exo Terra Riverbed SandDesert substratePrices from£12.20
Riverbed Sand is perfect for many types of aquatic turtles especially Soft-shell turtle species which prefer fine sand for digging and burrowing.
Exotic Pets Miniature Cemetery Kit
Exotic Pets Miniature Cemetery KitThemed decorPrices from£3.50
Create your own cemeterrarium for your spider or scorpion with our spooky cemetery kit.
ProRep Heat Mat and Strips
ProRep Heat Mat and Strips14 sizes availablePrices from£21.95
Available in a large range of different sizes to suit every terrarium and vivarium situation. Quality carbon cloth element heat mats manufactured in the UK.
Taurrus LIVE Biological Mite Control
Taurrus LIVE Biological Mite ControlCheyletus eraditusPrices from£27.89
The safest way of treating mite problems in your vivarium or terrarium. Ideal for snakes, lizards and pet invertebrates.
Royal Python or Ball Python
Royal Python or Ball PythonPython regiusPrices from£120.00
Royal Pythons are calm and gentle, making them an ideal beginners snake as long as their environmental requirements are met. They are available in a huge variety of colour morphs and are hugely popular exotic pets.
BromeliadsBromelia sp.Prices from£8.99
Great for tropical terrariums, used by many species to hide amongst. Retain water in their vase-like leaves, Dart Frogs often use these to deposit their eggs and rear tadpoles.
Burmese Chubby Frog
Burmese Chubby FrogGlyphoglossus guttulataPrices from£25.00
The Burmese Chubby Frog is a small species that reaches an adult size of 5cm. They can be found in Southeast Asia living within burrows and under leaf litter.
Exotic Pets Green Ivy Silk Plant
Exotic Pets Green Ivy Silk PlantGround plantsPrices from£2.99
This realistic and affordable silk plant is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Perfect for a wide variety of reptile, amphibian and invertebrate species.
Arcadia Pro T5 UVB Kit Dragon 14%
Arcadia Pro T5 UVB Kit Dragon 14%High output for dragonsPrices from£57.99
The Arcadia Pro T5 UVB Kit arrives complete with high quality electronics, a highly effective but removable reflector and a 14% T5 UVB Dragon Lamp.
Arcadia Pro T5 UVB Kit Desert 12%
Arcadia Pro T5 UVB Kit Desert 12%High output for desert speciesPrices from£57.99
The Arcadia Pro T5 UVB Kit arrives complete with high quality electronics, a highly effective but removable reflector and a 12% T5 UVB Desert Lamp.
Exotic Pets Variegated Ivy Silk Plant
Exotic Pets Variegated Ivy Silk PlantGround plantsPrices from£2.99
This realistic and affordable silk plant is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Perfect for a wide variety of reptile, amphibian and invertebrate species.
Exotic Pets Natural Cork Bark
Exotic Pets Natural Cork BarkFlats and roundsPrices from£3.95
Cork Bark is arguably the most versatile decor available as it is ideal for use in all vivariums and terrariums for all reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. From arid to rainforest, terrestrial to arboreal, there is a piece to suit every requirement.
Arcadia Pro T5 UVB Kit Forest 6%
Arcadia Pro T5 UVB Kit Forest 6%High output for tropical speciesPrices from£57.99
The Arcadia Pro T5 UVB Kit arrives complete with high quality electronics, a highly effective but removable reflector and a 6% T5 UVB Forest Lamp.
Exotic Pets Coleus Silk Plant
Exotic Pets Coleus Silk PlantGround plantsPrices from£3.99
This realistic and affordable silk plant is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Perfect for a wide variety of reptile, amphibian and invertebrate species.
Exotic Pets Fittonia Silk Plant
Exotic Pets Fittonia Silk PlantGround plantsPrices from£3.99
This realistic and affordable silk plant is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Perfect for a wide variety of reptile, amphibian and invertebrate species.
Exo Terra Cricket Pen
Exo Terra Cricket PenHolding pen with dispensing tubesPrices from£12.15
Perfect for housing, keeping and dispensing of live crickets.
Corn Snake
Corn SnakePantherophis guttatusPrices from£55.00
Corn Snakes come in a huge variety of colours. They are a easy handling size and have a calm disposition. These animals are reluctant to bite, constrict or defecate under mild stress like other species. Suitable for any experience level.
Exotic Pets Pilea Aluminum Silk Plant
Exotic Pets Pilea Aluminum Silk PlantGround plantsPrices from£3.99
This realistic and affordable silk plant is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Perfect for a wide variety of reptile, amphibian and invertebrate species.
Arcadia Pro T5 UVB Kit ShadeDweller 7%
Arcadia Pro T5 UVB Kit ShadeDweller 7%For crepuscular speciesPrices from£41.99
The Arcadia Pro T5 UVB Kit arrives complete with high quality electronics, a highly effective but removable reflector and a 7% T5 UVB ShadeDweller Lamp.
Kenyan Sand Boa
Kenyan Sand BoaGongylophis colubrinusPrices from£90.00
Kenyan Sand Boas are found living within sandy areas of East Africa. Adults vary greatly in size depending on sex. Males are small averaging 15 to 18 inches, whereas females are slightly larger and stocky growing to an average size of 30 inches.
Cloverleaf Absolute+ Repti-VET Mite Gone Spray
Cloverleaf Absolute+ Repti-VET Mite Gone SprayMite treatmentPrices from£14.99
Absolute Repti-VET Mite Gone Spray 100ml. Made with 100% natural non toxic ingredients.
Exotic Pets Leather Fern Silk Plant
Exotic Pets Leather Fern Silk PlantGround plantsPrices from£5.50
This realistic and affordable silk plant is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Perfect for a wide variety of reptile, amphibian and invertebrate species.
Exotic Pets Jacobs Ladder Fern Silk Plant
Exotic Pets Jacobs Ladder Fern Silk PlantGround plantsPrices from£4.99
This realistic and affordable silk plant is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Perfect for a wide variety of reptile, amphibian and invertebrate species.
Exotic Pets Arachnid Arid Substrate
Exotic Pets Arachnid Arid Substrate For spiders and scorpionsPrices from£5.00
Arachnid Arid Substrate is perfect for use with tarantulas, scorpions and true spiders from arid environments.
Natural Jelly Pot Holder
Natural Jelly Pot HolderFeeding accessoryPrices from£3.50
This decorative holder prevents jelly pots from being tipped over and spoiled with substrates; especially useful when giving geckos and other fruit and nectar feeding reptiles a tasty treat.
Nerve Plant
Nerve PlantFittonia sp.Prices from£5.99
Great for terrariums and edible for herbivores such as Tortoises. Assorted colours.
Vivexotic AAL Vivarium - Bearded Dragon
Vivexotic AAL Vivarium - Bearded DragonReptile housingPrices from£214.99
Wooden vivarium's perfectly sized for Bearded Dragons and many other reptile species.
Birds Nest Snake Plant
Birds Nest Snake PlantSansevieria trifasciataPrices from£16.99
Great for arid terrariums and vivariums. Assorted colours.
Live Springtail Cultures
Live Springtail CulturesCollembola sp.Prices from£4.79
These bio-active custodians form an essential part of any clean up crew, breaking down organic waste and enriching the soil. They are also an excellent source of food for small reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates.
Exotic Pets Coco Nets
Exotic Pets Coco NetsFor climbing and enrichmentPrices from£6.99
Utilise vertical space within your enclosure, perfect for animals to climb on and for securing plants. Readily used by chameleons, crested geckos and snakes.
Arcadia Jungle Dawn LED Bar
Arcadia Jungle Dawn LED BarFor plant growthPrices from£49.99
The Arcadia Reptile JungleDawn-LED Bar is sleek, bold, powerful, able to deliver the energy needed to allow plants to grow, and to cause active basking in Arid species by increasing visible light levels in terraria and vivaria.
Live Locusts or Hoppers
Live Locusts or HoppersSchistocerca gregariaPrices from£2.29
Locusts or Hoppers are an ideal staple food for all a wide range of species. Particularly popular for slower moving or arboreal reptiles. These insects are available in 6 different sizes.
Live Black Crickets
Live Black CricketsGryllus bimaculatusPrices from£2.29
Black crickets or field crickets are one of the most popular feeder insects for exotic pets. These crickets are bold and actively sit out in the open making easy prey for a variety of species. Available in 7 different sizes.
Live Silent Brown Crickets
Live Silent Brown CricketsGryllus assimilisPrices from£2.29
Silent brown crickets are arguably the best staple diet for our exotic pets in captivity. These crickets are quieter than other species, are cold tolerant and very active, making them appealing to a wide variety of species. Available in 7 different sizes.

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