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Venezuelan Suntiger (Psalmopoeus irminia)
Venezuelan SuntigerPsalmopoeus irminiaPrices from£8.00
This is a beautiful arboreal species of Tarantula, with vivid orange patterns over its abdomen, metatarsus and tarsus parts of their legs.
Whites Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea)
Whites Tree FrogLitoria caeruleaPrices from£47.95
The is the best tree frog to keep if you are a beginner or wanting a new species to add to your collection. With their round, plump bodies and big appetites, these will keep you amused.
Fire Bellied Toad (Bombina orientalis)
Fire Bellied ToadBombina orientalisPrices from£47.95
The Fire Bellied Toad used to be one of the most widely kept species of toad, now they are less common. Being easy to keep and maintain makes them great for beginners and they are always entertaining to watch.
Red Eyed Tree Frog (Agalychnis callidryas)
Red Eyed Tree FrogAgalychnis callidryasPrices from£71.95
Red Eyed Tree Frogs are one of the most sought after species due to their bright colours and stunning red eyes.
Golden Poison Dart Frog (Phyllobates terribilis)
Golden Poison Dart FrogPhyllobates terribilisPrices from£145.00
The largest species of Dart frog, their stunning metallic yellow colouration and bold attitude makes these frogs a must for anyone looking to create a rainforest terrarium.
Black Beauty Stick Insect (Peruphasma schultei)
Black Beauty Stick InsectPeruphasma schulteiPrices from£7.00
The Black Beauty Stick Insect is a must for anyone who likes stick insects. Adults are jet black with small red wings and bright yellow eyes, they really are stunning.
Golden Mantella (Mantella aurantiaca)
Golden MantellaMantella aurantiacaPrices from£71.99
The Golden Mantella is a small terrestrial frog endemic to the swamp forests in East-Central Madagascar. They are generally a bright orange colour but may also be yellow or red.
Fantasy Horned Frog (Ceratophrys cranwelli x ornata)
Fantasy Horned FrogCeratophrys cranwelli x ornataPrices from£71.99
Argentinian Horned Frog's are one of the largest amphibians, growing to an adult size of 100-150mm and weighing up to 2Kgs. They eat what ever they can fit in their mouth, be an insect, frog, mouse or even small lizards!
Cuban Tree Frog (Osteopilus septentrionalis)
Cuban Tree FrogOsteopilus septentrionalisPrices from£39.95
Cuban Tree Frogs are the largest tree frog in North America, reaching an adult size of 15cm (6 inches). They adapt very well to captive life and make great beginners Tree Frogs!

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Exo Terra Reptile UVB 100 Tube (Tropical terrarium T8 bulb)
Exo Terra Reptile UVB 100 TubeTropical terrarium T8 bulbPrices from£11.89
Ideal for subtropical and tropical reptiles requiring moderate levels of UVB and UVA. These bulbs replace the Exo Terra Repti-Glow 5.0.
Zoo Med T8 ReptiSun 5.0 UVB (Tropical UVB lamp)
Zoo Med T8 ReptiSun 5.0 UVBTropical UVB lampPrices from£13.99
These tubes are best used for animals from tropical regions that require moderate levels of UVB.
Komodo Corner Basking Ramp and Hide (Reptile corner hide)
Komodo Corner Basking Ramp and HideReptile corner hidePrices from£9.49
The Komodo Corner Basking Ramp and Hide is available three in colours and a number of sizes.
Reptile Systems T8 D3 Reptile Lamp 5% (For tropical species)
Reptile Systems T8 D3 Reptile Lamp 5%For tropical speciesPrices from£11.99
A quality and affordable lamp that produces a moderate UVB output, ideal for all subtropical and tropical reptile species. Long life lamp.
Trixie Grass Hammock (For climbing and basking)
Trixie Grass HammockFor climbing and baskingPrices from£3.29
Perfect for bearded dragons, crested and gargoyle geckos, corn snakes, royal pythons and more. Can be suspended by the loops within your vivarium, terrarium, or rodent enclosure.

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Exotic-Pets.co.uk has been Home of the Alternative Pet for over a decade and we are one of the largest and most trusted online reptile specialists.

We carry stock of all major brands including Arcadia, Exo Terra, Lucky Reptile, Microclimate, ProRep and Zoo Med. Find everything you require for your new or existing exotic pet with our range of starter kits, vivariums, heating, lighting equipment, décor and substrates.

Our Pet Food section offers a broad range of specialist foods, which has seen us become a market leader in supplying fresh, healthy livefood, and quality frozen foods for reptile keepers and falconers.

We remain committed to offering comprehensive advice and care information on all the pets we sell and are happy to make recommendations based on your experience and abilities.

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