What Do House Geckos Look Like?
House Geckos are also commonly known as Pacific or Wall Geckos. They are a small nocturnal species growing to be 3-5 inches in size. Adults generally have pale grey or even nude coloured bodies, some even show light pale white spotting on their backs. Fresh hatched babies do have a little more spotting coloration but this fades as they mature. House geckos can be kept on their own or in female heavy groups. Average life span is 5 Years+.
Where Do House Geckos Come From?
House geckos get their name due to being found living amongst Urban areas throughout Southeast Asia. It is believed these geckos prefer Urban locations as the lights around houses attract insects, such as flies, beetles and more.
How Do I Keep A House Gecko?
Keeping House Gecko’s is relatively easy as they don’t require too large of an enclosure and they are also a hardy species in captivity. The minimum size enclosure for a single gecko or a pair would be a glass terrarium 30x30x45cm. If you are wanting to house a group of geckos a 45x45x60cm would be ideal. This way the geckos wont be over crowded and they can escape each other if needs be.
As they are used to a subtropical environment, you should have a temperature gradient of 70F-95F(21C-32C) during the day with a night time drop around 65F-70F(18C-21C). This can be achieved by using over head lighting such as a spot light or ceramic bulb in a dome reflector. When using spot lights be sure to connect them to a dimming thermostat to help with temperature control, and ceramics should be controlled by a Mat stat.
As they are nocturnal UVB is not essential but it will prove beneficial to have a low output UVB light such as a Reptile Systems Compact Pro or an Arcadia T5 ShadeDweller. If you decided to use a ceramic bulb to heat the enclosure the UVB would provide the light.
Suitable substrates would include, Moss peat, Coco fibre, Zoomed Eco Earth or other soil based substrates, as they help hold humidity.
Artificial decor such as Repstyle vines, Wooden bridges, Habba Huts and Standing or Trailing plants would keep the enclosure looking natural whilst being low maintenance. The plants would also give the enclosure coverage for the geckos to sleep during the day. Natural decor such as Cork tubes, branches and vines are also suitable and provide the Gecko’s with climbing apparatus.
Though small House Geckos are keen feeders and will eat a variety of different insects as well as prepared foods such as Repashy. Small/ medium Crickets, Buffalo worms, Curlywing flies are all ideal feeders. The foods should also be lightly dusted with a calcium supplement at least four times a week and a vitamin supplement at least twice a week. This will help with bone growth and development.
A small water bowl can be left in the enclosure for the gecko’s to drink from, however they do prefer running water. Misting the enclosure once or twice a day will help with humidity and allow the geckos to drink the water droplets from the side of the tank or on the decor.
Overall House Geckos are a great species to observe and keep for beginners and advanced keepers. However if you are wanting a gecko to handle you may prefer a different species as House Geckos just stress with handling and they can be quick.
Do your research
Before you commit to buying any pet, please do your own independent research.