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King and Milk Snakes for sale

Often considered a step up from many of the rat snake species, king and milk snakes are brighly coloured, small sized and ferocious during feeding.

Brooks King Snake
Brooks King SnakeLampropeltis getula brooksiPrices from£50.00
Brooks King Snakes was originally thought to be a subspecies of the Florida King Snake. In recent years, they are now classed as location of the wild-collected adults. We, along with others in the hobby, have decided to keep them listed as Brooks.
Californian King Snake
Californian King SnakeLampropeltis getula californiaePrices from£90.00
Californian Kingsnakes range in colour morphs from black and white striped or bands to chocolate, lavander, albino and many more. They are one of the best first snake species to own as a beginner.
Durango Kingsnake
Durango KingsnakeLampropeltis mexicana greeriPrices from£170.00
The Durango Kingsnake is also known as a Greer's Kingsnake. They are ideal for beginners due to their calm and docile nature, they are also relatively small for a Kingsnake species.
Mexican Black Kingsnake
Mexican Black KingsnakeLampropeltis getula nigritusPrices from£150.00
Mexican Black Kingsnake are just that, all Black. They make an ideal beginner snake, however, do need regular handling when young.
Prairie Kingsnake
Prairie KingsnakeLampropeltis calligasterPrices from£95.00
Prairie Kingsnakes are found throughout the midwestern and southeastern United States. They are light brown to grey in colour brown or red blotching down their bodies. They reach between 75-100cm in length.
Pueblan Milk Snake
Pueblan Milk SnakeLampropeltis triangulum campbelliPrices from£99.95
Pueblan Milk Snakes are banded with bright colours, this makes them an attractive species to own. They are shy and prefer to have small, tight hides to curl up in.
Variable Kingsnake
Variable KingsnakeLampropeltis mexicana thayeriPrices from£165.00
Variable Kingsnakes are classed within the beginner species of snakes and are ideal for people new to keeping reptiles or for the younger generation as their first pet snake.

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