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Inverts for sale

Invert keeping has grown enormously in recent years and these low maintenance creatures are kept by newcomers and experienced keepers alike. With such a variety now available, it's easy to find something to suit everyone.

Black Beauty Stick Insect
Black Beauty Stick InsectPeruphasma schulteiPrices from£7.00
The Black Beauty Stick Insect is a must for anyone who likes stick insects. Adults are jet black with small red wings and bright yellow eyes, they really are stunning.
Colombian Blue Leg
Colombian Blue LegHolothele longipesPrices from£25.00
Originating from the caribbean, this species is also known under the name of Trinidad Pink Dwarf.
Cuban Burrowing Cockroach
Cuban Burrowing CockroachByrsotria fumigataPrices from£12.00
A large black cockroach that seems to prefers drier conditions compared to other species. They do prefer to burrow in substrate rather than climb. Adult males will form wings but they don't fly.
Giant African Land Snails
Giant African Land SnailsVariousPrices from£12.00
African Land Snails are a giant species of snail from East Africa. They are one of the easiest pets to look after and are cheap to maintain, their slow movement and robust bodies make them a perfect pet for children to watch and are easy to handle.
Headlight Cockroach
Headlight CockroachLucihormetica subcinctaPrices from£9.00
This is a South American species of cockroach which prefers to burrow. Adult males have two yellow spots on their head which resemble headlights. Unfortunately it isn't possible to sex nymphs.
Lesser Goa Mustard
Lesser Goa MustardThrigmopoeus truculentusPrices from£39.99
This spider originates from monsoon forests of Western India and reaches an impressive size of 20cm legspan. Can be skittish rather than aggressive and has the ability to stridulate when it feels threatened.
Long Legged Millipede
Long Legged MillipedeTelodeinopus aoutiiPrices from£6.00
The Long Legged Millipede is an arboreal species that can be found living on branches and logs within West Africa. They are olive to brown in colour with long banded legs, these help them climb, therefore, an escape-proof enclosure is essential.
Madagascan Hissing Cockroaches
Madagascan Hissing CockroachesGromphadorhina portentosaPrices from£3.00
Cockroaches as pets you may ask - well these make great pets and are a nice large size for handling. The Madagascan Hissing Cockroach as its name suggests makes a loud hissing sound when picked up. If you want something different, try some of these!
Pink Winged Stick Insect
Pink Winged Stick InsectSipyloidea sipylusPrices from£4.00
The Pink Winged Stick Insect is a parthenogenetic species that reaches an adult size of 8 to 10cm. As the name would suggest, adults have pick to white coloured wings. Feed on bramble.
Regal Jumping Spider
Regal Jumping SpiderPhidippus regiusPrices from£34.99
The Regal Jumping Spider is a large species that is found in North America. Adults reach 6-22mm in length, females being larger than males. These are very active and require good lighting to be able to hunt for insects.
Spiny Red Striped Stick Insect
Spiny Red Striped Stick InsectTisamenus sp. PalauiPrices from£3.50
The Spiny Red Striped Stick Insect is a new species which is yet to have a PSG number. They are found in a very remote part of north Luzon and are the largest species of Tisamenus to date far
Stripe Knee Tarantula
Stripe Knee TarantulaAphonopelma seemanniPrices from£47.00
Formerly one of the most popular pet spiders in the hobby, found throughout Central America and in varying forms depending on the locality.
Sunny Stick Insects
Sunny Stick InsectsSungaya inexpectataPrices from£3.50
Sunny Stick Insects are an easy species to keep feeding on a range of plants including Bramble, Hawthorn and Ivy. There are both males and females within this species but females are pathogenic too, therefore, all eggs are fertile.
Venezuelan Suntiger
Venezuelan SuntigerPsalmopoeus irminiaPrices from£8.00
This is a beautiful arboreal species of Tarantula, with vivid orange patterns over its abdomen, metatarsus and tarsus parts of their legs.

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