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leaf litter search results

Your exotic pet search for "leaf litter" has 112 results. If you can't find what you are looking for please contact us.

Exotic Pets Oak Leaf Litter
Exotic Pets Oak Leaf LitterNatural terrarium decorPrices from£4.95
Oak Leaf litter is perfect for use in bio-active and naturalistic terrariums. Use for decoration, ground cover, and feeding invertebrates.
Exotic Pets Beech Leaf Litter
Exotic Pets Beech Leaf LitterNatural terrarium decorPrices from£4.95
Beech Leaf litter is perfect for use in bio-active and naturalistic terrariums. Use for decoration, ground cover, and feeding invertebrates.
Exotic Pets Bamboo Leaf Litter
Exotic Pets Bamboo Leaf LitterNatural terrarium decorPrices from£4.95
Bamboo leaves are ideal for use in bio-active and naturalistic terrariums. Ideal for decoration, ground cover, and food for millipedes and other custodians.
Malayan Leaf Frog
Malayan Leaf FrogMegophrys montanaPrices from£131.99
The Malayan Leaf Frog looks just like another leaf on the forest floor. The females grow large reaching an adult size of 15cm.
Lucky Reptile Grape Leaf Vine
Lucky Reptile Grape Leaf VineHanging plantPrices from£6.95
These 200cm long plastic vines look very natural and are excellent for decorating your tropical terrarium.
Burmese Chubby Frog
Burmese Chubby FrogGlyphoglossus guttulataPrices from£25.00
The Burmese Chubby Frog is a small species that reaches an adult size of 5cm. They can be found in Southeast Asia living within burrows and under leaf litter.
ProRep Tortoise Life Edible
ProRep Tortoise Life EdibleNatural beddingPrices from£7.85
ProRep Tortoise Life Edible is part of the species-specific Life series of substrates and is a 100% blend of natural botanical flowers, leaves and dried grasses suitable for all species of tortoise.
Argentine Rainbow Boa
Argentine Rainbow BoaEpicrates cenchria alvareziPrices from£150.00
The Argentine Rainbow Boa is a slender bodied boa that is semi-arboreal. They have the typical iridescent rainbow shine and they do not lose their patterning as they mature.
Golden Poison Dart Frog
Golden Poison Dart FrogPhyllobates terribilisPrices from£74.95
The largest species of Dart frog, their stunning metallic yellow colouration and bold attitude makes these frogs a must for anyone looking to create a rainforest terrarium.
Green Anole
Green AnoleAnolis carolinensisPrices from£35.50
The Green Anoles is a tree-dwelling lizard that's native to the South-eastern United States and Caribbean islands. These are an ideal species for beginners as they are very hardy in captivity if the conditions are correct.
Brown Anole
Brown AnoleAnolis sagreiPrices from£14.95
Growing to a total length of 18-20cm from snout to tip of tail, the Brown Anole is a small active species. They enjoy basking on branches and feeding on small insects.
Arcadia EarthPro Dragonfuel
Arcadia EarthPro DragonfuelSupplementary foodPrices from£9.15
Another addition from the EarthPro range, DragonFuel is the ultimate food supplement for Bearded Dragons, other omnivorous and herbivorous species of reptile.
Assassin Bug
Assassin BugVarious speciesPrices from£7.00
Assassin Bugs originates from Africa and are a venomous predatory bug with a painful sting, like that of a hornet. They are also capable of spitting digestive enzymes when threatened so caution must be taken when keeping.
Guadeloupe Stick Insect
Guadeloupe Stick InsectLamponius gueriniPrices from£3.50
Guadeloupe Stick Insects grow to an adult size of 70 to 90mm, females are larger. They feed on a range of leaf plants like Bramble, Oak and Ivy.
Live Fruit Beetle Grubs
Live Fruit Beetle GrubsPachnoda sp.Prices from£3.39
These are big and juicy grubs, relished by many species as a treat. If left to pupate, they hatch as pretty red and yellow Sun Beetles which make brilliant pets!
Thai Bamboo Spider
Thai Bamboo SpiderTaksinus bambusPrices from£48.00
A very rare arboreal tarantula from Thailand which is only found living in the culm of bamboo. This spider was previously known as Ornithoctoninae sp. Mae Hong Son before being formally described and placed into a new genus on its own.
Cranwell's Horned Frog
Cranwell's Horned FrogCeratophrys cranwelliPrices from£24.95
Also, known commonly as Pacman, Argentinian and Chacoan horned frogs. These voracious feeders will attempt to swallow anything that moves close to their mouth.
Brooks King Snake
Brooks King SnakeLampropeltis getula brooksiPrices from£75.00
Brooks King Snakes was originally thought to be a subspecies of the Florida King Snake. In recent years, they are now classed as location of the wild-collected adults. We, along with others in the hobby, have decided to keep them listed as Brooks.
Palm Gecko
Palm GeckoGekko vittatusPrices from£79.00
The Palm Gecko, also known as White Lined Gecko or Skunk Gecko is a stunning display species originating from Indonesia, New Guinea, Palau and the Solomon Islands.
Madagascan Giant Day Gecko
Madagascan Giant Day GeckoPhelsuma grandisPrices from£125.00
As their name would suggest the Madagascan Giant Day Geckos can reach an adult length of 30cm. They are arboreal, diurnal and bright green with red markings around the face and back; simply stunning.
Bells Hinged Back Tortoise
Bells Hinged Back TortoiseKinixys bellianaPrices from£175.00
The Bells Hinged Back Tortoise is a small/medium sized semi-tropical tortoise with a huge character! They require higher humidity levels compared to other species, meaning that they can be kept in a well ventilated vivarium setup.
Exotic Pets Green Ivy Silk Plant
Exotic Pets Green Ivy Silk PlantGround plantsPrices from£2.99
This realistic and affordable silk plant is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Perfect for a wide variety of reptile, amphibian and invertebrate species.
Exotic Pets Variegated Ivy Silk Plant
Exotic Pets Variegated Ivy Silk PlantGround plantsPrices from£2.99
This realistic and affordable silk plant is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Perfect for a wide variety of reptile, amphibian and invertebrate species.
Madagascan Hissing Cockroaches
Madagascan Hissing CockroachesGromphadorhina portentosaPrices from£3.00
Cockroaches as pets you may ask - well these make great pets and are a nice large size for handling. The Madagascan Hissing Cockroach as its name suggests makes a loud hissing sound when picked up. If you want something different, try some of these!
Exotic Pets Coleus Silk Plant
Exotic Pets Coleus Silk PlantGround plantsPrices from£3.99
This realistic and affordable silk plant is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Perfect for a wide variety of reptile, amphibian and invertebrate species.
Exotic Pets Fittonia Silk Plant
Exotic Pets Fittonia Silk PlantGround plantsPrices from£3.99
This realistic and affordable silk plant is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Perfect for a wide variety of reptile, amphibian and invertebrate species.
Live Springtail Cultures
Live Springtail CulturesCollembola sp.Prices from£4.79
These bio-active custodians form an essential part of any clean up crew, breaking down organic waste and enriching the soil. They are also an excellent source of food for small reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates.
Exotic Pets Pilea Aluminum Silk Plant
Exotic Pets Pilea Aluminum Silk PlantGround plantsPrices from£3.99
This realistic and affordable silk plant is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Perfect for a wide variety of reptile, amphibian and invertebrate species.
Cane Toad
Cane ToadRhinella marinaPrices from£39.95
The Cane Toad also known as the Marine Toad is a huge terrestrial true toad which is native to Central and South America. It has been introduced into other non native countries and has caused big problems to native wildlife.
BromeliadsBromelia sp.Prices from£7.99
Great for tropical terrariums, used by many species to hide amongst. Retain water in their vase-like leaves, Dart Frogs often use these to deposit their eggs and rear tadpoles.
Devils Ivy
Devils IvyEpipremnum aureumPrices from£8.99
Great for rainforest terrariums and aquatic setups, this fast growing plant adds dense leafy foliage which is perfect for Frogs, Chameleons and arboreal Geckos.
Chubby Frog
Chubby FrogKaloula pulchraPrices from£28.95
The Asian Painted Bullfrog are also known as Chubby Frog within the pet trade. These are an hardy medium sized species that are ideal for beginners.
Live Silent Brown Crickets
Live Silent Brown CricketsGryllus assimilisPrices from£2.29
Silent brown crickets are arguably the best staple diet for our exotic pets in captivity. These crickets are quieter than other species, are cold tolerant and very active, making them appealing to a wide variety of species. Available in 7 different sizes.
Exotic Pets Essentials Bearded Dragon Kit
Exotic Pets Essentials Bearded Dragon KitQuality guaranteedPrices from£499.99
Ideal for Bearded Dragon enthusiasts looking to keep their first reptile, and for experienced keepers wanting a new pet.

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