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Cranwell's Horned Frog
Cranwell's Horned FrogCeratophrys cranwelliPrices from£24.95
Also, known commonly as Pacman, Argentinian and Chacoan horned frogs. These voracious feeders will attempt to swallow anything that moves close to their mouth.
Blue Poison Dart Frog
Blue Poison Dart FrogDendrobates tinctorius azureusPrices from£119.99
This is a large species of dart frog with adults reaching sizes of up to 5-6cm. Native to southern Suriname and is found in the Sipaliwini Savanna.
Golden Poison Dart Frog
Golden Poison Dart FrogPhyllobates terribilisPrices from£74.95
The largest species of Dart frog, their stunning metallic yellow colouration and bold attitude makes these frogs a must for anyone looking to create a rainforest terrarium.
Eastern Collared Lizard
Eastern Collared LizardCrotaphytus collarisPrices from£95.00
Eastern Collared Lizards have a dark brown/black collar around the neck and range from tan, yellow or green markings with spots scattered over the body. Females are yellowish-tan with faint spots. Both sexes reach an adult size of 200-350mm (8-14 inch).
Namibia Grey Baboon
Namibia Grey BaboonCeratogyrus sanderiPrices from£8.00
This tarantula is an amber-gold and olive green colour with a low black horn on their carapace.
Eastern Horned Baboon
Eastern Horned BaboonCeratogyrus darlingiPrices from£6.00
These are a heavy webbing species that make interesting display animals. They have a backwards curved horn that distinguishes it from other Ceratogyrus species.
Thai Bamboo Spider
Thai Bamboo SpiderTaksinus bambusPrices from£48.00
A very rare arboreal tarantula from Thailand which is only found living in the culm of bamboo. This spider was previously known as Ornithoctoninae sp. Mae Hong Son before being formally described and placed into a new genus on its own.
Panama Blonde
Panama BlondePsalmopoeus pulcherPrices from£8.00
Not as often seen and arguably the nicest looking species of the Psalmopoeus genus.
Malaysian Earth Tiger
Malaysian Earth TigerOmothymus schioedteiPrices from£10.00
These are a large, colourful and aggressive tarantula. They live primarily in lowland and monsoon forest where they live in hollow trees high above the ground.
Asian Fawn
Asian FawnChilobrachys huahiniPrices from£5.00
An opportunist heavy webbing spider that seems quite happy to live in a variety of conditions.
Yellow Headed Gecko
Yellow Headed GeckoGonatodes albogularisPrices from£52.95
Yellow Headed Geckos are a small and colourful species originating from South and Central America.
Palm Gecko
Palm GeckoGekko vittatusPrices from£79.00
The Palm Gecko, also known as White Lined Gecko or Skunk Gecko is a stunning display species originating from Indonesia, New Guinea, Palau and the Solomon Islands.
Madagascan Giant Day Gecko
Madagascan Giant Day GeckoPhelsuma grandisPrices from£125.00
As their name would suggest the Madagascan Giant Day Geckos can reach an adult length of 30cm. They are arboreal, diurnal and bright green with red markings around the face and back; simply stunning.
Leopard Gecko
Leopard GeckoEublepharis maculariusPrices from£69.95
Arguably one of the most popular geckos in the hobby. Due to their ease of maintenance and affordable housing, we believe these geckos to be the best starter lizards for reptile enthusiasts.
Central American Banded Gecko
Central American Banded GeckoColeonyx mitratusPrices from£93.95
This small pretty gecko is native to Central America. But whilst thousands of miles apart, this species is actually closely related to the Leopard gecko.
Rankins Dragon
Rankins DragonPogona henrylawsoniPrices from£150.00
The Rankins Dragons is a smaller species to the Bearded Dragon, reaching a total length of 12 inch. These are ideal for beginners who do not have the space for a large vivarium that is required with the Bearded Dragon.
Mountain Horned Dragon
Mountain Horned DragonAcanthosaura capraPrices from£65.00
Mountain Horned Dragons are full of character and can easily be tamed down with a little time and patience. These beautiful creatures make an extremely good species for the novice and also the more experienced keeper.
Green Mountain Horned Dragon
Green Mountain Horned DragonAcanthosaura lepidogasterPrices from£69.95
Also, known as forest dragons or pricklenape lizards. These arboreal reptiles spend much of their time off the ground on tree trunks or sat on branches.
Butterfly Agama
Butterfly AgamaLeiolepis bellianaPrices from£49.95
These stunning lizards are sometimes over looked, however their requirements are very similar to the popular Bearded Dragon. Native to Vietnam, this is a very active species and becomes tame over time.
Pink Bellied Swift
Pink Bellied SwiftSceloporus variabilisPrices from£30.00
The Pink Bellied Swift is a small to medium species growing to an adult size of 100-150mm (4-6 inch). They can be found living in rocky terrains in arid and semi-arid environments in North America, this lizard is found from South Texas to northeaster Mex
SandfishScincus scincusPrices from£71.95
The Sandfish is a species of skink that can be found in Egypt and North Africa. They have adapted to live in sand and have the ability to swim through it. They are a hardy species to keep in captivity. They reach an adult size of 18-20 cm (7-8 inch).
Pink Tongued Skink
Pink Tongued SkinkCyclodomorphus gerrardiiPrices from£315.00
Pink Tongued Skinks feed almost exclusively on snails and slugs. But will take a variety of other foods such as mixed veg, scrambled egg and earthworms.
Bronze Skink
Bronze SkinkEutropis maculariaPrices from£32.50
The Bronze Skink is a small species native to South and Southeast Asia. Males are easy to distinguish due to the orange colour on their throat and sides. Average size is 16cm snout to tip of the tail.
Blue Tongue Skink
Blue Tongue SkinkVariousPrices from£480.00
The name Blue Tongue Skink comes from the colour of this skinks tongue, which is berry blue. They are a large species which can reach sizes of 50cm (20in).
Asian Sun Skink
Asian Sun SkinkMabuya multifasciataPrices from£32.50
Asian Sun Skinks range from Pakistan and India to Indochina, Thailand and down to northern Peninsular Malaysia.
Great Plated lizard
Great Plated lizardGerrhosaurus majorPrices from£152.50
Great Plated lizards live on rocky hills between rock crevices. Their appearance varies depending on the phase as they are found in Eastern Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique.
Bosks Fringe Toed Lizard
Bosks Fringe Toed LizardAcanthodactylus boskianusPrices from£24.95
Bosks Fringe Toed Lizard is a lacertid lizard that is found in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. It is a very fast lizard that lives in deserts.
Sharp Ribbed Newt
Sharp Ribbed NewtPleurodeles waltlPrices from£29.95
Much like Tylototriton species, Sharp Ribbed Newts can protect themselves against predation with their sharp protruding rib ends. They’re also the largest European species of salamander.
Fire Bellied Toad
Fire Bellied ToadBombina orientalisPrices from£27.50
The Fire Bellied Toad used to be one of the most widely kept species of toad, now they are less common. Being easy to keep and maintain makes them great for beginners and they are always entertaining to watch.
Moroccan Green Toad
Moroccan Green ToadBarbarophryne brongersmaiPrices from£19.95
Also known as the Brongersma’s toad, this small species would make a great addition to any serious amphibian collection.