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Turquoise Dwarf Gecko

Turquoise Dwarf Gecko
Lygodactylus williamsi

This is one of the most attractive looking geckos currently within the hobby. The males are an electric blue colouration, even females a brightly coloured.

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What does the Turquoise Dwarf Gecko look like?

The Turquoise Dwarf Gecko or William's Electric Blue Gecko as it is also known, is a stunning little species reaching an adult length of 8 to 10cm (3 to 4 inch). They are arboreal and able to climb most surfaces.

Sexing isn't a problem, mature males are a vivid blue with a black throat. Females and immature males tend to have a green and copper coloration, some grey/black may be present on the throat however, this is normally banded and not solid. Both males and females have a yellow/orange underside. To guarantee the sex of the animal, check the hemipenises bulges and preanal pores on the males. When the gecko is upset, stressed or cold, they will darken their bodies to a dull blue

Where are Turquoise Dwarf Geckos from?

Turquoise Dwarf Geckos are confined to the Kimboza Forest in Eastern Tanzania. Unfortunately, their natural habitat is constantly under threat as this being destroyed by man.

How do you keep Turquoise Dwarf Geckos?

Its best to keep this species in a small group consisting of one male and at least two females. Males will fight, however, if placed in a large enclosure with plenty of plant coverage and visual barriers, you shouldn't have any problems.

We have found the best enclosure to be the Exo Terra Glass Terrariums - a minimum size for an adult pair would be 30x30x45cm (12x12x18 inch), if you can provide a larger enclosure this is better. You need a rainforest type setup, place a 3 to 5cm (1 to 2 inch) layer of soil in the bottom of the enclosure, keep this damp to help with humidity. You can use live plants as long as these are not poisonous, artificial plants are easy to clean and maintain. Jungle vines, branches and other décor should be placed throughout the enclosure.

If using the Exo Terra Glass Terrariums, purchase the Exo Terra Compact Canopy and use the 5% Compact UV Bulb, you can also use a number of basking bulbs with this canopy. To heat the enclosure, the Exo Terra Rainforest Heat Mat is ideal and will not crack the glass of the tank. This should be connected to a thermostat to prevent over heating. Provide a day time air temperature of 23-25C (73.4-77F) with a slighting warmer basking area of 28C (82F). Allow night time temperature to drop to around 20C (68F).

Mist the enclosure daily to help keep humidity levels to between 60-80%. You can provide a small water dish, they mainly drink droplets of water on the plants. Feed on a range of small insects from hatchling hoppers, 2nd crickets, mini mealworms, small roaches, fruit flies and house flies. They will also take a gecko fruit diet, baby food (fruit flavoured) and honey. Feed babies twice a day and dust the insects with a vitamin supplement at least four times a week. Adult can be fed every two to three days (depending on amount in your enclosure) and dust insects twice a week.

Do your research
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