Our farm bred Dubia Cockroaches offer exceptional value for money as they are coming straight from us, the breeder. They are raised on a high quality diet in optimal conditions and freshness guaranteed as standard. Suitable for a wide range of exotic pets
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These are a medium sized species of ground dwelling cockroach, which are unable to jump or climb smooth surfaces. They grow to around 40-50mm and are glossy and brown-black in colour with bristly legs. Males and females are easily distinguishable once they reach adult size as they are sexually dimorphic; males have long wings covering the length of their bodies, whereas females have wing stubs. Females are partially ovoviviparous, meaning the young develop inside eggs which remain inside the female until they hatch, at which point the female gives birth to live young. They can produce on average 20-40 nymphs each month.
Native to South America, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.
Our Dubia Cockroaches are reared here in the UK, in our modern, ethical facility. We maintain them on highly nutritious foods - meaning that they arrive to you fresh and in excellent health as standard.
Your cockroaches will be packed fresh for your pets and delivered in vented plastic tubs. They will have cardboard inside the tub to cling to and help prevent them being damaged in transit. On arrival, they may appear immobile if temperatures are low but will soon become active when warm again. Dubia Cockroaches are best stored at room temperature around 15-24°C, this will keep them fresher for longer. On arrival, we advise transferring them into a larger, well ventilated tub and it is recommended to both hydrate and gut load your feeder insects for at least 24 hours prior to offering as prey. This ensures that maximum nutrition is being transferred from your cockroaches to your reptile, amphibian or arachnids. For feeding, potato or carrot offers basic nutrition and moisture. The best option is to offer them one of the specialist high quality insect diets; this ensures that they are gut-loaded to be as nutritious as possible prior to feeding your pets.
This species is non-infesting in nature, possesses excellent nutritional qualities and are easy to care for with a long shelf life. Adult Dubia Cockroaches are the perfect size for feeding to bearded dragons, monitors and many other larger lizard species. Smaller roaches are suitable as part of a staple diet for most insectivore species. As they are slower moving than some other feeder insects, they are also readily enjoyed by many species of arachnids and invertebrates.
We recommend feeding as part of a varied diet, as with any livefood, variety is the key to providing a well balanced, nutritious diet. The addition of calcium and vitamins is recommended to enhance the nutritional content of these insects.