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Moorish Gecko

Moorish Gecko
Tarentola mauritanica

The Moorish Gecko, also known as Crocodile Gecko is pretty, but shouldn't be handles as they are nervous. Whilst mainly nocturnal they can be found during the day basking. This is a nice, hardy species with very few problems!

OriginMediterranean from France to North Africa
EnvironmentDry, rocky areas
Adult SizeUp to 15cm
SuitabilityNovice but not to be handled
LifespanUp to 15 years
TemperamentSkittish and fast

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What a Moorish Gecko look like?

Males are grey with a brown pattern along the body and four white marks on the shoulders, females are an overall grey. The females have lots of tubercular scales along the whole body and head, males only have a few along the side of the body. The underside of the Geckos is an immaculate white. These geckos have adhesive toe-pads, along their entire length of the toe for climbing up rocks.

Where are Moorish Geckos from?

Found in dry, rocky areas in the Mediterranean region from southern France to Greece and northern Africa. Some have also been found in California.

Although this species is mainly nocturnal, a basking lamp in the range of 26.5-29C (80-85F) should be provided, as they are active during the day too. A UV light is not required for this species. A drop down to room temperature during the night will be fine. A humidity hide should be provided or keep an area moist to prevent any shedding problems.

Are Moorish Geckos easy to keep?

Some experience is required, but these Geckos are extremely hardy, with few problems.

It has been said, that housing only true pairs of Moorish Geckos is ideal.

Moorish Geckos are arboreal, meaning they need more height rather then floor space. Use a basking lamp for heat, as described above connected to a thermostat. The best substrate to use is either child's play sand or I have used vermiculite with no problems. Moorish Geckos prefer plenty securely stacked rocks and branches throughout the viv. A humidity hide needs to be placed in a corner - I mainly spray one side of the viv every few days to drip off the rocks and branches. This then collects in the vermiculite, creating a humidity hide behind a rock. You can place a water dish in the viv, or just spray every few days, as they lick up the water droplets that run along the decor.

A varied diet of insects should be offered, with the odd pinkie (baby mouse) offered to adults. For young and juvenile Moorish Geckos, feed every day with the appropriate sized food. Adults can be fed every other day and once a month try feeding a small pinkie. Your Moorish Gecko will actively hunt down and consume anything that moves.

Do your research
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